Créé par DS Baxter (aka Shonumi Ikozumo) GBE+ un émulateur de GameBoy/Color, GBA et NDS pour Windows. L’objectif est de créer un émulateur ultra-portable en utilisant C et SDL, documenter les fonctions de la Game Boy par un code clair, et ajouter de nombreuses améliorations (filtres graphiques, codes, sprites personnalisés…).
(Autres infos ici)

– Reworked Pokemon Mini netplay to be much simpler. All players need to do is basically point each instance of GBE+ to the correct player (e.g. Player 1, Player 2, etc) using the F4 hotkey.
– Added support for the Glucoboy. GBE+ now allows players to manipulate various stats that unlock in-game Glucose Reward Points.
– Improved support for the Campho Advance. Menus work, contact data can be saved, and handles basic virtual calls. No proper audio/video yet.
– Improved support for the Play-Yan and Play-Yan Micro. No audio/video output yet
– Added support for the Nintendo MP3 player. No audio/video output yet, but menus are accessible.


Télécharger GB Enhanced+ v1.8 (22.6 Mo)

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