Guru a posté un message sur son site en disant qu’il comptait se retirer quelques temps de ce que certains appellent la « scène » de l’émulation. Cette news fait suite à celle-ci postée hier.

Voici ce que Guru nous dit (après avoir modifié par 2 fois son message):

The ProGear Fiasco………

Officially, right now I do not have ProGear. I HAD it, but sold it due to a large cash offer because I knew there was another one available which can be loaned to me if required. I’ve only just recently remembered to remove the texts from my site regarding having the PCB, about 2 weeks ago. I make no apologies for that.
Due to the recent fiasco with ProGear and it’s dump being hoarded by the dumper, then the XORs suddenly released but with the graphics ROMs still being hoarded, and a scum-sucking piece of shit named Jan Klaas (author of FinalBurn Alpha) pasting logs from an IRC channel I was on to Razoola and spreading even more rumours, untruths and Nazi propaganda with absolutely no knowledge whatsoever of the FACTS (mostly because he was sore that I assisted ElSemi with Crystal System emulation in MAME when he wanted to do it, but was failing miserably after over 6 months of getting nowhere because he’s not very good at reverse engineering arcade hardware or emulation programming, obviously), there is now a 1 year delay on all new dumps. This doesn’t mean I’ll be doing dumps and hoarding them, it means I will not be doing any dumping at all for 1 year. This time, everyone has just gone too far.
I’ll see you in a year.


Violent le Guru dans ses propos, c’est peut-être pas un mal qu’il se repose un peu d’après moi. Il ne faut pas oublier qu’avant Guru, il y avait des dumpers et qu’après Guru, il y aura encore des dumpers (sachant dumper les simm? ^^). Sachez enfin que ProGear sera dumpé et proposé au public même sans Guru, il y a quelques autres sources dont l’une que je connais personnellement (reste que, comme vous le savez, dumper les simm de ProGear demande d’avoir du matériel plus pointu), ca prend du temps de tout les cotés car les gars qui possèdent le bon matériel ne sont pas légion et ne sont pas non plus sur notre palier^^, mais on est plus à quelques mois près, n’est-ce pas.

Enfin, signalons un petit message d’Aaron Gilles qui fait de l’humour avec cette affaire, vous pourrez venir voir ce qu’il en pense sur son site.

[Update 19H45] Je vous le disais, il n’y a pas que Guru 🙂

Finalement les Roms Graphiques de type SIMM ont été dumpé par Annon:

Here are the Progear SIMMs I decided to dumped myself after the total farce Haze / Guru and co pulled in trying to force people to release things. You guys should not go around saying you have stuff you don’t and then try to cover your lies with even more lies, the consensus was very clear on irc that you had it dumped and would only release after RAZ released the XORs. For Guru to say he sold on the PCB before dumping clearly shows unethical practices by members of the MAMEdev. Guru never had it anyway, it was a clear lie and he made this excuse up as a cover up for the previous lie of saying he had the board.

You and your sheep are total assholes. My god why can’t you even admit your scam publicaly is it that big a deal, its clear you hate Raz anyways so whats the big deal?

These releases are for those who are pissed off with HAZE / GURU for lying…. If you happen to believe these people then fuck off, your sheep also.

Leave this readme unedited and included with these dumps and I will probably do more CPS2 SIMMs at some point in the future.


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