Alors là excellent, on assiste à du mail PV via les sites web des protagonistes et vous voulez que je vous dise quelque chose, ça c’est beau ©JCVD. Plus sérieusement Haze VS Raz c’est loin d’être fini, c’est une vrai « scène » de ménage….

To HAZE, about CPS2 driver.

If you were to take time and read the included changes.txt and follow the advice of where the changes made can be confirmed you will see the changes in the driver (below) are accurate. The fact that you are willing to allow _known_ incorrect information to remain in the driver just shows that you are not the best person to decide what goes in or stays out of MAME because you are letting your own personal opinions affect that accuracy on the MAME project as a whole. How many CPS2 games have you seen? I personally have seen well over 100 and while DEVs may not like that I will not provide tables to help break the encryption of CPS2 at this time (because there is a 2004 game on the system) I am sure all agree that I have never given inaccurate info when it comes to data I submit to the MAMEdev.

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