Un émulateur multi-consoles qui émule la Game Boy (N&B/Color), la Game Boy Advance, la nes, la Lynx, la PC Engine…

– GB/GBA: Added configurable rapid fire buttons for virtual buttons A and B.
– NES: Disabling the background now works properly(it no longer also disables sprites!).
– PCE: Disabling background layers now replaces that layer with an obnoxious green color that shouldn’t be used by any games, to make sprite ripping easier.
– Added settings « fftoggle » and « ffnosound », to make the fast-forwarding button a toggle switch, and to silence sound during fast-forwarding, respectively.
– PCE: CDDA playback interrupt and looping enabled flags are now reset properly, fixing a lockup that occurs when facing a boss in Valis 2, and possibly other games.

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