Nouvelle version pour cet émulateur de Nintendo DS.

– GPU: Fixed rendering of transparent areas on 256-color bitmap BGs
– GPU: Fixed background color in the OpenGL renderer when luma effects are used
– MMU: Added support for 64bit/32bit operations to the hardware divider
– MMU: Fixed 32-bit reads from the IF register
– MMU: Modified IRQ handling a bit

– CPU: Changed CPSR bits when entering IRQ mode.
– MMU: Fixed some bugs introduced in Dualis 14.1.
– MMU: Fixed writes to the DMA0 registers.
– GUI: .nds files are now entirely loaded into memory. (for romfs/gbfs)
– GUI: Fixed some bugs in the disassembler. (CLZ, register-specified shifts)

*update* La R15.1 est sortie.

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