Conçu pour gérer les roms MAME, ClearMAMEPro supporte maintenant un nombre conséquent de set de roms via des fichiers Dats. Tout simplement le meilleur Manager (ca n’engage que nous).

– added: support for disk/rom status tag value « verified »
– added: verified rom/chd information to stats.ini
– added: history combo boxes for setinfo ‘select sets’ and ‘from file’
– added: multiline tooltips to ‘setinformation-select sets’/’rebuilder advanced destination prestring’ which list the supported variables
– misc: usage of fallback font ‘fixedsys’ for stats in case of ‘Courier’ is not available
– misc: setinformation’s ‘select sets’ can enable/disable sets by their status information if at least one chd/rom got the selected value: %S=v (verified), =n (nodump), =b (baddump)
– misc: changed some default initial window sizes to avoid clipping
– fixed: stats counts romsets which only consist of a bios as missing
– fixed: fixmissing/fixunneeded can rarely impact each other in backupfolder (aka cps3 10/20 issue)
– fixed: 7z memory leak when using compressor->test archive option
– fixed: returned packerextension is wrong for non-archive files (however no impact found)
– fixed: rebuilder wrongly created destination file if sha1/md5 check failed due to unzip error in no-recompress mode
– fixed: saving fixdat with enabled MS Windows’ hide extension option can create double extensions

A noter que des Dats en relation avec Mame v0.129 sont également disponibles.

Télécharger ClrMAME Pro (x86) v4.048d (5.4 Mo)

Télécharger ClrMAME Pro (x64) v4.048d (6.0 Mo)

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