Conçu pour gérer les roms MAME, ClearMAMEPro supporte maintenant un nombre conséquent de set de roms via des fichiers Dats.

– misc: added some more support for offline dats. Parsing romTitle tags etc…
– misc: don’t allow « . » at the end of a rom name anymore
– misc: parser warning about double named rom entries but different hashes include nodumps (MESS .133)
– misc: fixing an unpacked wrong file name (where the new name already exists) backups and replaces the existing file now instead of reporting not-fixed.
– fixed: batcher-rebuilder always scan/never scan subfolder options aren’t saved correctly

Télécharger ClrMAME Pro (x86) v4.048d (5.4 Mo)

Télécharger ClrMAME Pro (x64) v4.048d (6.0 Mo)

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