z26 est un des rares émulateurs Atari VCS 2600 encore en développement. Très complet et très rapide (100% Assembleur), il vous comblera, assurément. Basé sur A26 de Paul Robson, il a depuis été entièrement réécrit.

– Windows 7 compatibility, including the 64-bit version of the operating system.
– SDL.dll upgraded to version 1.2.14.
– Sound fixed on Ubuntu 10.04 and Debian 5.
– Some larger video modes.
– Desktop video modes for systems without full-screen hardware accelerated video.
– Phosphor mode now updates the screen at 30 Hz.
– More accurate and efficient timing routines.
– Switching pixel depth is no longer supported.
– Eight bit video modes are still available with an eight bit desktop.
– A simple built-in GUI.
– Thanks to B. Watson for the GUI framework.
– Thanks to Eckhard Stolberg for help with this version.

Télécharger z26 (Windows) v4.07 (531.8 Ko)

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