DS4Windows est un programme portable qui vous permet d’obtenir la meilleure expérience lors de l’utilisation d’un DualShock 4 sur votre PC, en émulant un contrôleur Xbox 360, beaucoup de jeux deviennent alors accessibles.


– Changed confusing driver message in Welcome dialog. It used to imply that ScpVBus was needed to use the DS4 in Windows rather than just for DS4Windows
– Deprecated old mouse acceleration profile option. Now defaults to false
– Fixed Sony Wireless Adapter disconnect on Windows 7
– Utilize calls that force Normal IO and Memory Priority for the process. Especially useful when DS4Windows is run as a Task but it also helps with normal execution on my system
– Changed when delay takes place for hotplug routine
– Raised SocketAsyncEventArgs buffer for UDP server. Raised from 20 to 40 objects
– Make default use controller for mapping option to false
– Fixed x86 build to target C# 7.3
– Reverted hotplug delay change
– Changed force feedback handler to use SetDevRumble to avoid array checks
– Added feedback received event handler before connecting virtual controller
– Corrected force feedback motor values. The motor values were flipped before



Télécharger DS4Windows (x86) v3.3.3 (2.6 Mo)

Télécharger DS4Windows (x64) v3.3.3 (2.6 Mo)

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