FS-UAE est un émulateur multi-plateformes (sur Linux , Mac OsX et Windows) reprenant les travaux de WinUAE/E-UAE/PUAE en mettant l’accent sur l’émulation des jeux sur lecteur de disquette et CD-Rom. A noter que cette version propose un launcher dédié. Il s’agit de la version en cours de développement.
Changes in FS-UAE Launcher 2.7.8dev:

– You can add custom config on startup (–config:key=value). Especially useful when auto-launching games and you want to override config.
– You can start with custom settings (–settings:key=value). Note that the changed settings will be permanent / saved.
– Make distinction between Amiga device type and host device more explicit.
– Made launch dialog non-modal.
– Net play feature is enabled by default.
– Moved net play UI into a separate window.
– Clear search field when changing game/config list in dropdown.
– All .sqlite databases moved into Data/Databases.
– Some user interface adjustments.
– Quite a bit of code cleanup and some restructuring.
Changes in FS-UAE Arcade 2.7.8dev:

– Open FS-UAE Arcade as a maximized borderless window as default for now.
– Idle (stop rendering) when animations are done.
– Do not process joystick input in the background while running FS-UAE (Fixes problem where Arcade has disappeared when quitting FS-UAE).
– Do not run needless render loop in the background while running FS-UAE (Also fixes FS-UAE performance issue when running via Arcade).
– Alt+Return (Cmd+Return) can be used to toggle fullscreen, Alt+Q (Cmd+Q) to quit.
– Delay loading GL widget until window has been shown.
– Delay loading of PyOpenGL functions until first time needed.
– Possibly fixes black screen for some ATI users on Windows.
– Cleanup in the code base, removed some unused code.
– Updated PyOpenGL to 3.1.0.


Télécharger FS-UAE (Instable) [32 bits] v2.9.7 DEV 5 (69.5 Mo)

Télécharger FS-UAE (Instable) [64 bits] v2.9.12 DEV (9.2 Mo)

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