OxyROMon est un gestionnaire de ROM multi-plateforme écrit en Rust (il est donc plutôt voué à être installé sur un serveur, mais peut aussi très bien s’utiliser sur un PC). Comme la plupart des gestionnaires de ROM, il vérifie les fichiers ROM par rapport aux bases de données connues. Il est conçu principalement dans un objectif d’archivage.


Les changements sont les suivants:
– Use transactions for increased database performance
– Add an optional GraphQL API and a basic web UI, behind the server feature
– Store ROM files’ actual size in database
– Store system and game completion status in database
– Store game sorting in database (all regions, one region, ignored)
– Use a database connection pool
– Fix importing archives with invalid files
– Add a new download-dats subcommand
– Use dialoguer for prompts
– Support importing ISO compressed as CHD
– Support converting between ISO and CHD
– Support converting directly between supported formats (as opposed to having to revert to original beforehand)
– Optionally print statistics after each conversion
– Use shiratsu_naming to parse No-Intro names
– Drop releases, we don’t need them
– Delete obsolete roms when importing updated dats and automatically reimport orphan romfiles
– Move failed imports to the trash directories
– Fix headered ROMs handling
– Add a unique constraint to the settings::key column
– Simplify discard settings, please refer to the new documentation
– Remove the ability to delete a setting
– Allow purge-roms to delete orphan romfiles


Télécharger Oxyromon v0.18.1 (7.7 Mo)

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