Il s’agit d’un émulateur de GameBoy Advance très précis écrit en C++. Il vise une émulation précise de cycle lorsque cela est possible, tout en offrant des améliorations telles qu’une meilleure qualité audio.
Quelques caractéristiques:
РCompatibilit̩ et pr̩cision tr̬s ̩lev̩es (voir Chapitre pr̩cision)
РM̩langeur audio HQ (pour les jeux qui utilisent le moteur sonore MusicPlayer2000 de Nintendo)
– Options de post-traitement (correction des couleurs, mise à l’échelle xBRZ et simulation d’images fantômes LCD)
– Prise en charge de l’état de sauvegarde (10 emplacements de sauvegarde disponibles)
РPrise en charge du contr̫leur de jeu (les boutons et les axes peuvent ̻tre remapp̩s)
– Chargement de ROM à partir d’archives (Zip, 7z, Tar et prise en charge limitée de RAR1)
– Émulation RTC
– Émulation de capteur solaire (par exemple : pour Boktai – Le soleil est dans votre main)

Les changements:
– UI: implement « Sharp » video filter for better nearest interpolation at non-integer scales (thanks GranMinigun)
– UI: implemented PPU viewers for palettes, tiles, backgrounds and sprites
– UI: add an option to set the audio volume
– UI: do not unpause emulator after loading a new ROM
– Input: fix input dropping regression introduced in NBA 1.7.1
– Input: move from SDL game controller to SDL joystick API (fixes broken mapping on some controllers)
– vAPU: MP2K HLE: interpolate envelopes and use floating-point math
– APU: MP2K HLE: implement a better reverb algorithm
– APU: MP2K HLE: add an option to force-enable reverb
– APU: remove « Zombie » mode emulation (does not appear to exist on GBA)
– APU: fix mid-note envelope frequency changes
– APU: FIFO writes should happen in place
– APU: reset FIFOs on overflow
– APU: add master-enable checks for 16-bit/32-bit IO writes
– PPU: fix sprite pixels from previous scanline displayed in the last scanline
– PPU: more accurate update of attribute buffer for OBJWIN sprites (fixes #275)
– PPU: more accurate emulation of horizontal and vertical sprite mosaic (fixes #322)
– PPU: more accurate handling of mid-frame vertical mosaic reconfiguration
– PPU: fix out-of-bounds bitmap fetches in Mode 3 to 5
– DMA: fix incorrect mapping of DMA channel to APU FIFO
– Timer: somewhat handle timer overflow during one cycle enable delay (thanks alyosha)
– Game Pak: simulate ~6 ms EEPROM device busy period after write (not yet accurate to cartridges that e.g. have been in the freezer for 30 minutes)
– Game Pak: emulate the Mask ROM internal address register
– Audio: fix clicking artifacts when using Sinc resampling
– Audio: fix incorrect liner interpolation in Cosine resampling
– PlatformCore: fixed hang when fast-forwarding while the emulator is paused
– Misc: implemented support for unicode paths


Télécharger NanoBoyAdvance (x64) v1.8.1 (10.3 Mo)

Télécharger NanoBoyAdvance (x86) v1.3 (1.4 Mo)

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